A New Day
Checks and Balances Restored. Monologue ended. Bush left impotent. Rummy resigns. Haggard ousted [or outed...either way he won't be whispering in the president's ear any longer]. Foley exposed. Delay politically dead. Santorum 'santorumed' [haha, thanks chris]. Incumbents relieved of their "duties". House and Senate with a Democratic majority. The world breathes and trepidly hopes the new guys are maybe just a little better the old ones, and that K-Fed and Rummy find each other. John Bolton, you're next.
Labels: Bush, Conservatives, Homosexuality
Where did I say that, Aaron? Nowhere. It does however stop Bush in his tracks. At this point in our nation's history, I'll take gridlock over Republicans running rampant.
Jim Wallis had this to say post-election:
"A Defeat for the Religious Right and the Secular Left:
In this election, both the Religious Right and the secular Left were defeated, and the voice of the moral center was heard. A significant number of candidates elected are social conservatives on issues of life and family, economic populists, and committed to a new direction in Iraq. This is the way forward: a grand new alliance between liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, one that can end partisan gridlock and involves working together for real solutions to pressing problems.
It is clear from the election results that moderate, and some conservative, Christians - especially evangelicals and Catholics - want a moral agenda that is broader than only abortion and same-sex marriage. Various exit polls showed a shift of 6% to 16% fewer evangelicals and Catholics supporting Republican candidates than in 2004. Poverty, the war in Iraq, strengthening families, and protecting the environment are all moral values. And many Americans this year voted all of their values."
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